Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"iced. a gourmet cupcakery." in the making

What began as a dream growing up has now become a reality. No, this is not my storefront! This is a picture of me standing outside of Cakelove (2010) in Silver Springs, Maryland, and I remember saying to myself, and maybe even aloud: "ONE DAY!"

iced. a gourmet cupcakery. began in March of 2011. While the daily tasks of a startup company can be extremely daunting, it's the 9-5 job that overwhelms me. My sole passion is to bake delicious cupcakes for the milestones of life. My words turned into action when my husband encouraged me to do a "test-kitchen" in our home one weekend. This was spawned by my desire to "DO SOMETHING" different than what I was doing. My job gave me no true meaning: I felt as if I were "toiling and spinning"...which I was. I toyed with the idea of going to culinary school, or pursuing my Master's Degree. Instead, I entertained my husband's not-so-subtle hint, and it's been full-steam ahead ever since.

It started with a cookies and cream recipe that I came up with, and here is the very first cupcake:

I initially started receiving orders from his colleagues, and then my co-workers. It quickly branched out, and I was even asked to provide cupcakes for WVU's end-of-year picnic for the Medical School. (I'll do anything for the world of Medicine!)

We could not have been prouder! The compliments and reviews were so encouraging. Follow us on our journey to one day, very soon, owning a storefront! And maybe even having our own television show! :) The one thing I've learned throughout this process is that you can never dream too big!

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